
Case Examples & Results

View some examples of client cases & how Nasseri Legal rose to the occasion on their behalf.

Facing 2 Years in Prison

Charged with Felony Possession of Almost 10 Ounces of Heroin For Sale

Result: 1 Week Community Service and Probation.

Facing 4 Years in Prison

Charged with Felony Possession for Sales and Felony Transportation of 17 Pounds of Marijuana

Result: No custody and reduced to Misdemeanor Possession

Facing 18 Months Prison

Charged with Felony Possession of Psilocybin (aka Hallucinogens)

Result: Case dismissed with $750.00 Fine.

Facing Deportation for with DUI causing an accident

Illegal Immigration

Result: Case closed with work authorization

Facing Deportation

Legal Permanent Resident charged for Money Laundering and Possession of Drug Proceeds in excess of $25,000.00

Result: Reinstatement of Residency with no Deportation.

Facing Deportation

Legal Permanent Resident charged for Aggravated Felony Theft of More than $10,000.00

Result: Reinstatement of Residency with no Deportation.

Facing Employment Law

Sexual Harassment case filed on Behalf of Plaintiff

Result: Employer was faced to pay fines and judgement to the platintiff.

Facing Time card fraud

Represented Employee Sued by Employer for Close to $150,000.00 in theft and time card fraud

Result: Case settled for less than 1/3 on a 5 year payment schedule.

Enjoy the peace of mind of having a quality & reliable attorney.

Saman Nasseri is a first generation American of immigrant parents. Mr. Nasseri was born and raised in San Diego. He attended San Diego State University, where he received a Bachelors degree in Political Science. In 2011, Mr. Nasseri graduated from California Western School of Law. Mr. Nasseri is licensed to practice law in California and the Federal Courts.

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